

Словарь корней и производных форм языка Эсперанто с переводом на русский язык. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "nokt" в других словарях:

  • knocked-down — /nokt down /, adj. 1. composed of parts or units that can be disassembled: knocked down furniture. 2. Informal. condensed, abridged, simplified, unadorned, etc.: a knocked down version of a Broadway musical. [1770 80] * * * …   Universalium

  • Noktambulismus — Nokt|am|bu|lịs|mus auch: Nok|tam|bu|lịs|mus 〈m.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; Med.〉 = Somnambulismus [Etym.: <lat. nox, Gen. noctis, »Nacht« + ambulare »gehen«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Noktambulismus — Nokt|ambulịsmus [zu lat. nox, Gen.: noctis = Nacht u. lat. ambulare = herumgehen] m; : = Somnambulismus …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • Serbo-Croatian grammar — Serbo Croatian is a South Slavic language with moderately complex verbal and nominal systems. This article deals exclusively with the Neo Shtokavian dialect, the basis for the official standard of Yugoslavia and its present day forms of Bosnian,… …   Wikipedia

  • Amplifiki — est un groupe de rock chantant en espéranto, fondé en 1982 par Kim Henriksen, Bertilo Wennergren et Micke Englund. Ce groupe de jeunes fonde la musique espérantiste moderne. En 1986, LF koop enregistre une cassette du groupe, dans lequel sont… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Amplifiki — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Amplifiki, grupo de música rock en esperanto. Marcó el comienzo de la cultura de música juvenil y moderna en esperanto. La productora LF koop editó su primer trabajo en 1986. A pesar de que Amplifiki ya no existe,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • night — [OE] Night is the English member of an ancient Indo European family of ‘night’ words, represented in virtually all the modern European languages. The ancestral form was *nokt , and from this have come Greek núx, Latin nox (source of English… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • nekʷ-(t-), nokʷ-t-s —     nekʷ (t ), nokʷ t s     English meaning: night     Deutsche Übersetzung: “Nacht”     Grammatical information: stem nokʷt f. (originally neutr.??), nokʷti , nokʷtu f., nokʷt(e)r n.     Note: about Ablautformen see under Root nekʷ (t ), nokʷ t… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • night — [OE] Night is the English member of an ancient Indo European family of ‘night’ words, represented in virtually all the modern European languages. The ancestral form was *nokt , and from this have come Greek núx, Latin nox (source of English… …   Word origins

  • Akordo — is an a cappella choir, of eight people singing in Esperanto. It was founded in 1988, and their first CD, Muzikpluvo, appeared in 1996. Their repertoire consists of various styles including medieval and pop music. Most songs are translated from… …   Wikipedia

  • Nychthemeron — /nɪkˈθɛmərɒn/, occasionally nycthemeron or nuchthemeron (Greek νυχθήμερον from the words nycht night , and hemera day, daytime ) is a period of 24 consecutive hours. It is sometimes used, especially in technical literature, to avoid the ambiguity …   Wikipedia

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